Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation
Sunday, October 30, 2005
The 'Watchdogs' of the press are anything but. What they are, instead, are a bunch of bloviating, sheeny materialists with no goal other than destruction and making their own fortune. It has become 'verboten' in Amerika today to point out
WHO they are, as a class and a people, so I won't. Any first-page scan, here, of the NYTimes or the Wall Street Journal will tell you. We have become so shuttered and closed-by-enforcement in this land today that a person cannot even obliquely claim to point out a truth when it stares them in the face.
Journalism today practices two things - either froth or destruction. They advance a leftist, socialistic, material cause or they distract.
Fingering the common herd of humankind as idiots, they steer their mass-heads wherever they wish - and the horde follows, distraction after distraction. Just look at the daily news feeds of the mainstream papers, as a very cheesy example. No truth, no substance, just furtherance of agenda and carping.
I spent time in the east 90's and 80's of Manhattan. Carl Schurz Park, Gracie Mansion. Hell's Gate watching the river traffic. Also went to the Morris Jumel Mansion, Sylvan Lane, The Grange, City College - all of that uptown stuff from the past which incongruously exists to this day amidst the soiled wreckage of a landscape befitting a theme park named 'Garbageland'.
Charm has, most certainly, left us. Any vista which may once have been has been obliterated. A jumble of noise, junk, trash, poor-man's culture, and gutter-critters abounds. Hugely propagating masses - kid after kid, an endless fraternity party, evidently - swarm the streets. They downgrade any cultural attributes which
ONCE may have been present, and - stupidly -
the city itself attempts lamely to mark off historic spots which may once have had some validity, with signs and markers and attempted restorations - all in the middle of a rancorous horde of dolts who haven't a clue as to either what once was here, America's past, or historical awareness or sense of validity. They just 'got' here, and could care less about how or by what means this nation constructed itself. It's a sorry shame - and of course this being liberal, socialistic leftist New York - the social-service constructs
(which may ONCE have had some reality and use) have degenerated into a cess-pool of graft and corruption costing billions - but these people nonetheless have their hands out and they get what they can.
The City of Manhattan foolishly undergirds a massive social-program and assistance system which would once have made Bulgaria proud - tattered and decrepit buildings, ruined hulks, littered and fouled streets, government school enclaves, social centers, hospitals, all pitted and sagging by mis-use and authoritarianism. It makes me foul and sad to witness it.
Freedom used to allow, in its concept, the Freedom of being free from government, as an individual. It does that no more. Decrepit social welfare, and all its indigents, are everywhere in one's face.
Any grandeur which may have once been is shrouded now in doom.
I saw once, old man District Attorney Robert Morganthau in Carl Shurz Park. He was walking very slowly, with a cane, up a few stairs along one of the paths in the trees along East End. On either side of him was a person, a male and a female in this case, handsome and natty-looking middle-aged assistants helping him along. I didn't know if they were aides, or perhaps adult children of his, or whatever. They all looked nice, smiled, and kept on their way.
Life goes on, I suppose. Personified in him was an entire older, more gracious way of life through a city that only once was.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
7. LACONIC BODY PARTS:If you've read the
Denmark Vesey post on the other blog, you may have already wondered about Telemarque, the fellow I described. You see, he was real and over the historical years somehow his name has gotten mixed up with that of his master, Captain Vesey, so that we have intermingled and confused the two. One was a proper Dutch sea-captain, and the other (Telemarque) was the slave of Captain Vesey, who later led a slave revolt and was captured and hanged. Vesey Street in Manhattan is named after Denmark Vesey - well, one way or the other, one of those guys is being memorialized. And then, of course, I got to thinking that maybe (
JUST maybe) telemarketing is named for Telemarque. And wouldn't that be a kick in the ass?
Eventually all societies decay from within. They spend all of their life-span, money and personnel defending themselves during their existence from perceived outside threats - and then eventually just wither and die from the decay within. (Much like the human body, I guess).
That's the process, right now, well underway in this country. It's happened a million times before - every great empire, nation or kingdom eventually lost its way. Diminished expectations, a coarseness of culture which eventually supercedes all else, more and more social programs and leveling systems which eventaully diminish and cancel out the essential body-politic and its vibrancy - lackadaisical apathy, boredom, wealth, division -
all of these play their part. At play right now, we ourselves have countless self-destructive entities, enjoying their success but at the same time pulling down everything by which they've mounted that success. They all get 'too big for their britches'. We face that now, with the achieveing of these self-destructive tendencies by the lawyers who pounce on everything for gain, the fuck-heads of the entertainmet kingdom who feel they know politics better than make-believe, the police authorities and other enforcement agents, who now get free rein to throw their weight around and institute control-factors in a once-open society - using security as a cover - the educational profession, at every level, which enforces criticism, erroneous interpretation and broadly socialistic aims of distribution and attitude in order to bolster a society of weaklings. And, of course, the entire journalistic enterprise - called the press, media, or whatever - which is never satisfied until it can yet again manufacture and re-manufacture a crisis, an issue, any sort of sideshow and then multiply it into something which eventually destroys culture, society, or issue-politic.
These are all symptoms of a wasting-away disease from INSIDE. We can cry all we want about terror, Arabs, anarchists, murderers, nuclear bombs, bacterial warfare, etc., whatever,
but the real, total and most insidious threat is from within - as we allow this society to falter and then fail by giving front-stage access to low-life intentions, rabid hate-mongers, homeless litigants, stateless cults and all that rest.
This has to stop. The issues which confront us are
NOT the issues which are outside of us. Israeli-Palestinian problems (the entire issue is a
LIE), Muslim-Hindu rivalries (a mixed-up jumble of uneducated masses), black-white cultural conflicts (old-fucking-hat arguments over nothing) Communist against Democracy adherents (both forces a complete lie and full of bullshit) -
any of these and a hundred more issues are not as important as the decrepitude we've allowed to enter our own system.It's time we stepped up the pressure and started to UNDO some of the more piquant exemplifiers of this false taste. They have already destroyed all peace, happiness, grace and culture that once was. Why should we now continue to grovel?
Saturday, October 22, 2005
6.THOMAS EDISON GAGGED ON A BAGEL(boring but read it anyway):One hundred and twenty eight million dollars or such in order to construct and undertake the trial of
Saddam Hussein. Think about that - the vast huge Amerikani propaganda machine once more underway with
fearsome amounts of taxpayer dollars in order to undertake the still-ghastly mission of
reality-constructing a scenario. A mere scenario. There was a time when the only thing held under suspicion was the concept of 'nation-building' but now the American force-field power-regime, instead of at the least facing off the conclusions they come to and blasting away to get the job done, now spends once more inordinate amounts of debt-ridden money (amidst the strangulating mass of crises the nation faces already while looking down the maw of national bankruptcy)
in order to circus-manage the distillated contortions of sham-trials of people they once manipulated. A twenty-minute delay no less! (No, I'm not speaking of Tom Delay). The reason given is for
SECURITY purposes. Can you believe that bullshit.
A twenty-minute time delay presented as some other aspect of keeping people safe and things proper. What new mass of shit is this? Any other natiion,
ANYWHERE, would be accused by us of the highest hypocrisy in televising a supposed trial and then presenting it to the world with a tape delay. You cannot imagine, I'm sure, how many hordes of operatives, security agents FBI and CIA and all the rest - how many hordes - of this midget bastards there are attached to this case. Listening in over hunched-down groups of translators and mind-twisters so that the twenty minutes is made to seem adequate to alter or gloss the words of Saddam and the rest. It's all presented as a means of bringing 'justice' to a place where 'justice' has gone begging. Yet, it's anything but that. It's, instead, more of the same - a bankrupted national plan to alter our reality and
present LIES and distortions as fact and truth. We shouldn't have spent one more nickel on presenting this twerp as anything but what he was - a dead man. These are, truly, low points for America.
In the neighboring town to which I live, there was a completely fabricated news story in the local newspaper this past Thursday. It too was total crap - a fictional, non-representative account of something which did not exist. A local high school - (by the way, have you
EVER seen anything so pathetic as the lengths to which high schools go in order to present the facade that they are important in people's lives and to the community. They appear, by that, rather
mawkish - a surreal collection of pep-rallies, skirt-chasers, good-timers and dummies, caught up in the stiltified atmosphere of sentiment and cheer by which the more perverse concepts of twisting people's minds and absconding with resources take place) - had a student some ten years back who graduated and became an astronaut, one who was eventually a part of a shuttle team. After the shuttle flight, some 5 or 6 years back, a local little parking-lot/park adjoining the high school was dedicated to him, with some small fanfare and a carved-wood plaque denoting the situation. I've watched the plaque, over the years now, slowly deteriorate as the wood weathered, peeled curled and crumbled. Eventually, long about July of this year, the sign was finished - diminished to nothing, and removed. Then a new sign, a slightly grander version, was put in its place. And then, this last Thursday, the newspaper reports, inconceivably, of the grand dedication and program which went with naming and dedicating of this park to one 'Mark Polansky' who will now have the honor of having a space dedicated for him as a graduate of JP Stevens High School. Blah, blah ad nauseum. Turns out there's a heated politicial campaign underway in this town for the elction of Mayor and Council in three weeks. Turns out there are quite heated issues which are being twisted and enflamed for this election - in orer to keep the 'Korean' candidate - who beat the incumbent mayor out of his seat in the April primary - from gaining the seat. It's an underlying racism, and the defeated Mayor has backed his cronies, monies and corrupters behind a 'Fusion' candidate who will, for all practical purposes, be representing him as a stand-in.
The stupid newspaper presented none of this - all they did was create and run a monstrous lie - a story of
distortion and falsehood whereby this was ALL presented as new. A Dedication of a NEW park, a NEW situation. No mention was made that it was all five years old, at least, nor that the previous sign and dedication, which had been in place a long time, already
DID all of those things last go-round.
They ran and presented a bogus story of 'something' which was new and unprecedented. I daresay the reasoning behind all of this was political mechanization for all of the
entrenched and INCUMBENT powers to show their faces and take credit for SOMETHING WHICH, in fact, DID NOT EXIST. Disgusting.But...we live by such lies, don't we? ('The newspapers all went along for the ride...')
Monday, October 17, 2005
5. COCK AND BULL STORY:"In an office, if everyone's computer has a virus, is that a staff infection?" - the guy who asked that question, I'm afraid, was
serious. The other person who then replied - in turn asked - "what exactly is a staph infection anyway?, I never really knew." And the answer was 'It's a bacterial virus entering your bloodstream, and the name comes from staphococcus, or something like that, and the plural is staphococci", and then the other fellow again asked "Does that have to do with cock-eyed?" and of course the answer was "No, it doesn't. Cock-eyed is the term given to the way a rooster (cock o' the walk) stares out with one eye and his head slightly twisted and askew, in order to focus on something - presumed threat or otherwise."
I began to feel that they were at last all agreeing on
shared concepts - which gave me a good feeling;
for unless we agree to certain shared concepts, I'm afraid there's no sense to be made of society at all. People just babble on, sometimes, it seems, right past each other -
as no one listens to the person talking for they all wish themselves to be talking. No one takes a minute to actually reflect
NOR respond to what they've heard, and the entire world then is nothing more than a cacophony of strangely twisted noises.
It's like a convention of used-car salesmen in a small room, each extolling the virtues of the particular piece of crap they've been assigned to sell. On and on they go, in a ring-o-levio of words and concepts having nothing to do with anything R-E-A-L.
When the hell did Government get into the Medical business?
As a for-instance. When the Hell did the church or religion get into the business of Government? How is it that we've allowed sympathy and sentiment to take over and run things - parlay tax-dollars into rolls of relief for other people?
How has such a hideous concept as Government Schools ever evolved? (
OH, you don't know what I mean by that?) I mean every local street-corner school in your community.
What do YOU think they are, outposts of free enterprise? They're
NO different than any Chinese Communist mind-controlling brain-prison run by inept governmental agents for the particular purpose of maintaining the civil lock-down on individuals and free thought.
I was walking the high hinterlands of the Jersey Palisades yesterday, near and adjacent to the area above the GW Bridge. Miles of WPA and depression-era government roadways and bathing areas along the Hudson on the Jersey side - all up high and at river-level - the stoneworks and the old buildings built by effort of the US Government and the depression relief agencies all now brought to nothing but neglect and ruin.
The ruins of what once were vast turn-of-the-century mansions (of the iron-magnates and railroad barons who once ruled and built the Manhattan we once knew). Their mansions and holdings were taken from them by the goverment -- in fact only
ONE is still extant and used by the Park Service as their Headquarters!
It's all a shambles, a disaster. Great families, with their fortunes and possessions taken from them, had once to give up their wealth and privilege so that Government and scum could, 75 years later, move in and take over and destroy what once was pristine. Now we have graffiti'd rocks, monikered by imbeciles and morons with spray paint and rap reputations in their brains, old roadways that lead to nowhere but ruination and wrecks, an old cemetary, neglected and grown over, of one of the once-great families. And then what do I come upon?
Just adjacent to that cemetary, a parked BMW with New York license plates parked askew, and two morons furiously fucking on a blanket thrown down next to the cemetary's stone wall. They look up, slightly embarrased and non-plussed, and pull the blanket up so I can pass.
Exaggeration? I think not. By these means, in fact, we are probably ensuring the propogation of that same species for the future.
Soon, there will be no memory left of anything once grand, sedate, learned and profound. But, who needs it? The needs of the millions will be taken care of by the powers in place -
which powers first, to serve others, serve themselves.'Only Rivers of Blood will wash Slavery away!' John Brown said that, a long time ago. Mathhew 10:34 says also that someone came 'not to send peace but a sword.'
Thursday, October 13, 2005
4. THE ATLAS OF A TRUE RENEGADE:It all goes something like this :
'no school no rein', meaning I suppose that where there's no bridle there's no constraint. It's a map-book with no pages. It's style without style.
There are always factors which go into the make-up of appearance - those small yet telling things which people sense : the person out of place, getting it wrong, just out of step with time. Something like Richard Nixon, of whom it was said -
"he always DID it, but he never DID it quite right." It was that factor, in spite of his success and position, which earned him eternally the sobriquet 'Tricky Dick' - the shifty, sweating brow, the furtive-eyed look, the false smile of a man just out of perfect focus, just a degree blurry, wrong.
To wit: NOT authentic; seen as trying.I have always said that the
ENTIRE system was corrupt; that underneath everything was a
LIE waiting to be exposed. And I stand by that even now,
even NOW as it all starts crumbling away and exposing itself - Refco, Hurricane Relief, political contributions and the 'party' system (what a
PARTY it's been!), finance, interest rates, credit card empires, investment systems - everything together has banded together to rape and pillage the common man. In fact, the pure
IRONY of, for instance, Capital One advertising its over-arching presence in people's lives with images of marauding and out-of-work Pirates, Norsemen, Vikings and assorted pillagers truly astounds.
And that but ONE example. The organizational doublespeak of the corporate world is sickening.
You know what they're saying by LISTENING to that which they say they are NOT saying. When it crumbles, it will be a wonderful scene.Education is a sick melody - there simply is none. Nothing of it going on. Here in New Jersey, the two most corrupt entities (outside of strict political tools) are the School Construction Company - which is a state-government financed and run program of such vast corruption, inflated costs and illegal payoffs as to make even God puke - which purports to construct municipally-funded school expansions and new buildings but actually garners its scam and money by increasing the taxes on the local populace for the greed of its cronies - (all soon to be 'investigated') and the UMDNJ - which is
SUPPOSED to be the University of Medicine and Dentistry but which turns out to be yet another untraceable sluice-pipe of corruption, lost funding, poor or non-existant (and destroyed) record-keeping of taxpayers dollars which have enriched thousands of bureaucratic crooks.
We can do NOTHING about it, for it is ALL already gone. Perhaps, once more, the only solution is to arrest and drag by their genitals, the Board of Education people everywhere, the government agents and agency workers everywhere, and
EVERY corrupt bastard politician in office. Yet, there is
NO outcry, no roar.
In fact, nothing is even mentioned and the sheer folly of doing so (as this post) is so redundantly ineffectual as to be laughed at.We are sickened (made sick) and destroyed by the EVIL which roars through our society. I've said it so many times that I'm not saying it yet again.
Enoch (see post 3) was taken up bodily to 'Heaven' (as we have foolishly named the extra-terrestrial mothercraft in the cosmic sky-time-perception warp above us) to visit with the Entity who was travelling to and from US. We name him the Triune God (somehow). Essentially, if you read Enoch, Ezekial, Exodus, and all the rest - (God-damn it all, read it CAREFULLY!) -
you'll see that all of human history is but stories of visitations. The entire cosmic Credo is about the returning Superior Beings and their multi-leveled minions of star-angels, warriors and guards returning so as to take back this ruined planet we have corrupted by sleeping and breeding with the Giants of Evil which have seeded our races and minds and closed our perceptions. Once that re-visit occurs, the separation shall be swift and simple. They'll be plenty of payment meted out.
So, fear not, get ready, and keep reading your stuff.Anyone not believing me in any of this is invited to contact me; argue, refute, ask questions and debate in whatever way you wish.
The time is late, and I'm not fooling around. Watch out, I warn you. (But
NO ONE will contact; a certain harsh stupidity rules the day, and it isn't mine.)...
By the way, these Secondary entities are already present, and have been. They've entered into human affairs many times - from Constantine's Milvian Bridge vision to a million plus other scenes which have gently tweaked out lifes and fortunes. Guardians
AND Angels both, we really
CAN hear them (if we listen) in the backs of our heads.
'In Hoc Signe Vincit'. Got that?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
3. THE BROKEN HABIT OF EDDIE McBRIDE:"I've always tried to advance and help my fellow man, in everything I've done. But somehow I feel as if I've accomplished nothing." The person who said that was Eddie McBride, (lately of pride) sitting next to me. I turned towards him and said 'Eddie, Eddie, you dumb-assed, small-brained character. I can't believe you don't see your own problem! You can't
'try' to do any of that stuff;
it has to just happen. And the fact too that you're
'aware' of yourself
'trying' to do those things is incredible to me.
It's no wonder you find no satisfaction. It's not authentic at all, and people can see that. You're ineffectual because people can tell that you're 'trying' - having chosen a role to play or a character to flesh out, your efforts belie your intentions.
There's got to be a certain distancing and a detachment from 'you' the actor in the doing of all this. You have to spin the distance and find the working grace which makes it just happen. That's something people can pick up on positively - someone attuned to his own state of being, someone in harmony." And he looked back at me, with that incredibly earnest Eddie look I'd grown used to and said "You mean to say that people can tell I'm trying too hard, trying to be something that, to them, appears forced?" And I said back to him - "that's pretty much it." He slouched, and a forlorn and tired look came over his face - as I figured that
THAT was certainly authentic, and that he'd be in the mood to listen, I decided to go for the fences.
"You see, Eddie, you're caught up in a gargantuan mess with no way out. No matter what it is that you 'try' to do, it's going to fall on deaf ears and eyes - because the mass of men before you are deadened and silenced already. They're not going to react to anything which appears to them to be even slightly out of their mode of interpreting the world. They're so caught up in the bear-trap of coercion and forced circumstances that, unless you appear as superfluous and inane to them
as much as
THEY already appear to themselves, you'll miss the point entirely and never connect.
No one knows how to recognize any longer the things which come to them from a core we all share. Oh, sure, they can tell authenticity and forced affectation - that's all salesman stuff anyway and they're used to it - but anything stronger than that they avert their eyes and minds from.
It's all an enigma to them, and a dangerous one too. One they'd rather not deal with.
You'd never imagine how many people have now willingly given themselves over to the grand
Moloch, the Evil God with whom they've forged the allegiances of mass culture, materialism and false belief.
It's been so long now that society and its transformation have been overtaken and re-enacted by the alien Evil creatures who have co-opted and pre-empted the authentic values of life (creative, forceful, positive and steady) with their false and negative junk, that no one even remembers. It's like some oft-told tale from their grandparents or something - legions of stories and descriptions of 'what used to be' and no one can any longer really attest to the rightness or the value of what's dribbled down to our present day.
Myths. Illogical stories. Twisted tales with incorrect names. You simply cannot join all that and try to fight it. You must simply stay out of it - and fight it if you must from the outside. There's no co-opting the enemy; for that enemy is incarnate, other-worldly and far stronger and resilient than the staggering stupidites of the meager mankind they've genetically constructed.
Stories and tales -- Bible, myth, cultural, storybook -- all try to tell us something that we miss.People trade their lives away for a false construction of what is right, valuable and correct; and then they spin around in circles for the rest of their days (like a dog chasing its own tail) to achieve the chimerical 'satisfaction' this was all supposed to give them. Teachers teach the proferred Evil they've been programmed with - for a few dollars more and a retirement of materialism and vapid opportunity -
after having indoctrinated and bent so many other young minds while doing their 'work'. Unions, construction, developers, lawyers, politicians, authority, everything and anything connected with the propogation of the falsehood and deceit which becomes the dressing of the illusion which is the world we make and live through. Too bad. And too bad you have to try wholeheartedly to portray yourself as attempting to achieve the gain of your fellows.
Remember, it's not always true that there a 'good' to be had. Sometimes Satan comes in the name of the Lord.I'm a believer in the Book of Enoch. That's an original book of the Bible which was ejected from the Bible when it was digested and constructed by the early church fathers - after they carefully altered and doctored all that needed to be so as to fit the new credo of the over-weening material kingdom which the early church became. Nicene creed indeed!
Sometime by about 300 AD, Enoch was GONE! Never to be heard from again - except by those who make it a point to ferret out the gold from its hiding places. There's a wonderful passage in Enoch wherein he speaks of how the superior alien life forms who came to and seeded Earth, and had many of their numbers enticed later by the beauty of what they'd created (Genesis 6) - all of which we later adopted as our sky-form Gods and Goddesses - well a great war ensued in the Heavens (left to us in the shambles of the wars of Mt. Olympus, stories of mythology, tales of the great battles of the gods). The losers of that war, fallen to earth, interbed and passed their seed into half-God, half-men creatures who took over the concerns and affairs of earth - for their debased and evil purposes. The passage in question shows how, in order to interest and bring to the earth-people the lower form concerns of beauty, music, dance and all of the alluring and distracting charms through which we are lost and taken away from our real goals of creation and grace,
the demi-Gods entranced and marched the people over a hill and to a valley where they were taught to sing and dance, make sounds like music, learn warcraft, sexuality. From that point on, the people were lost, the world was sundered and twisted from its original shape, and we have the resultant society of pain, anguish and anxiety now which we live with. Today, we have, in the guise of evil and the rights of its Kingdom, millions of people squirming, reciting debased lyrics, keeping their eyes far from the progress of the inner life, enticed by the rank and base sounds of their non-culture, the sickening leaders, the media-devils and barons of trash, and all that goes with it. Songs pound in their heads at all times, and the sacred airwaves are filled with filth and drivel. And we wonder
WE WONDER EDDIE, why there are wars and famines and horrid pangs of pain and guilt everywhere...!"
I looked over, and Eddie McBride was, I noticed, fast asleep...
Sunday, October 09, 2005
2. ILLEGAL CONTUSIONS - Back in the waning days of the
Soviet Empire, beginning in the late Kruschev era, passing through Brezhnev, Chernenko, and all the rest - right up to the demise of that feeble empire and into today's oligarchy of Putin and his cronies - one of the specific greviences against them was
their elitism and selective royalty (in what was known as the
'Nomenklatura' - essentially the ruling cabal of those in the know, with the monied connections and all the corruption which went with it). They were despised; with the dachas (vacation homes) on any of the varied resort seas, their immense cars, voluptuous and greedy lifestyles, ostentatious homes and compounds. All around them, and because of them,
the average Soviet citizen suffered in toil, want and need. They were controlled, dictated to and repressed. Especially in light of the supposed ideology by which the Soviet and Russian empires were being run - some ersatz form of equal and communal socialism by which all men were to have all things
PLUS the good of the State -
it was all a sham, a false
pretense, a land-locked prison of broken and stitled minds. It did eventually fall around itself.
The rest is history, and can be read.What is most astounding now, and most bitterly annoying, is the faux American pretense of Freedom and Choice; of being abe to live an unfettered life.
That too is a lie and a sham - for our Nomenklatura, our ruling elite, has left the old Soviet characters in the dust. Our Elitists are corrupt, evil, sanctimonious and spreading. Their wealth and greed knows no bounds. Their
MANIPULATION of the common character and weal is of a degree never before seen -
the average supposedly FREE American is a slave to market forces, manipulations of media, bold-faced lies and assertions which are blatently given out. The grand cabal of Leaders - from top to bottom, Capitol Hill to State House to local Town Halls to media empires to medical and educational operators to unions and organizations -
ALL are a shambles, a pot full of thieves, liars, and sanctimonious Devils.
The grand talk of American superiority is a pathetic lie. Their allegiance to material goods and the illicit wealth-mongering and thieving by which they maintain themselves is decrepit.
We have NO MEANS of redress. Government service is a slavery of means. The military is now being used as an employer of
LAST RESORT to gather up those otherwise deadened malcontents with nowhere else to turn - who
WILLINGLY give themselves over to a ripened form of caste, slavery, control and robotic service
(the complete OPPOSITE of Democracy) so as to (they say)
PROMOTE DEMOCRACY. Pure bullshit. Slaves to defend non-slavery? Makes sense to me! After their discharges, if they are still whole, the remainders of their lives are spent with their hands out to that Government -
a secret socialism of government largesse, pension, medical service, low-rate mortgages and finanaces and education (preferential slavery again). So, they have defended their false Democracy by their slavery and then willingly agree to spend the remainders of their days as simple wards of the State taking whatever that State will give them and bankrupting the rest.
A truly perfect scam. Fellow man in service to fellow man so the ones who've served the Government can get ahead. It all makes the old soviet system seem sensible enough to me.
Friday, October 07, 2005
1. LESSON LEARNING CATCHING UP WITH ITSELF -Dear Poster Boy: The first thing you should know -
RIGHT off the bat - is that this is not my primary blog.
THE OTHER ONE IS ('I really want to get this started'). Go there first. That is the one which is numbered and much more important to me. You should be reading that first and steadily, and maybe only using this for secondary dips.
That OTHER one is where my work is put, my 'sweat equity', if you will. That is the blog which has my serious writing; content, thought, creativity and format. This one, by contrast, is a simple case of mouthing off, straight-shooting and blasting at whatever and whomever I feel.
OK? So then, enough said.
Here I am: 509 east 11th Street. Sick and tired of the moment, momentarily at least. I can't believe the crap that passes these days for what I have to pick from - effusive beauties with greasy teeth, broken-handed fey-boys wearing jodphurs and boots and looking like Ronald Reagan out cutting brush. Everybody runs to the Television God like goons on a campus of fools. Their names all ring bells : Jethro, Jared, Barry and Ted.
There's nothing to do but NOD nod nod and listen : name after name of popular shithead personalities, plots of inane shows, twisted and anti-cultural climbers swerving towards their ignorance. 'Bob Dylan' blah, blah - fucking shape-shifting asshole creating stories from nothing and even Nat Hentoff blows the penny whistle too - Vestry Street Vesey Street
- he's fooled them all. But all they want to do is [evidently] Boogaloo. That's their speed. That's his too - midget caretaker doctor of weed, fist-fucker of the constant urge.
The first thing to go with these little bastards is the name : make something up, pile it on, make up an identity and sell it to the public, one bullshit story after another - and then tell people still something else anew. (Make up a story. Do what you do. Bubonic plague coming at
YOU!). People have lived their entire lives without a knowledge of any of this stuff 'cept what they've heard around the water-cooler, and all of a sudden they're the TV experts of the century on stuff which suddenly is clear to them and makes sense : "He's funny! witty! And we understand him now too!
All he used to do was MUMBLE!" (But Mama, if he would just DIE and seal up this petty career).
And then around from the 4th Street corner comes Dave Van Ronk and Phil Ochs and ME - swatting flies all the way to 11th Street next to
Paradise Alley right where I lived when someone tells me there's a dead body in my steamer trunk - the very foot-locker that my grandaddy came over with or something like that and now they've stuffed it with Billy Joe and Holly or one or the other, and they used to live just upstairs from me in a hovel all their own - but trading places (back then) meant
something much different and drugs were the draw and the drawer was filled with drugs - thanks to Andy Bonamo undercover narc FBI plant stoolie and some other kid with a left-handed trigger finger peeling tens like pennies from the cat at the door and he says "never paid a month's rent with money y'see - and that bastard outside thinks he's gunning for me but I got his number here on the third floor - I can plink him in an instant and they'd never find the blood" : but that was too long ago Suzi Rotolo. Sheeut man! I knew 'em all - Imiri Baraka before he was that and Philip Guston after.
All that was a long time ago. ('But I was so much older then...').
"How is it that a
dead body can get in the
wrong funeral parlor?" I asked that once of two yokels in Bangor Pennsylvania and all they did was laugh hysterically. What I meant was that there were
TWO funeral parlors of the same name in that rinky-dink town and my friend's body was - evidently - in the
OTHER one. Well, we did eventually find it; but as much as they laughed, that's as much as we thought about it
I used to be the tiniest bit involved in local politics, until I found out politicians were all liars. They sat me down one night, around a large rectangular table, the entire group of local pols seething with the resentment of those who run scared and are afraid of change, and asked me question after question - much as happens on a larger scale in any of the media bullshit circus hearings for justices or appointments to administrations -
and I realized (to be sure) that what these clowns were actually doing was making sure that I did not possess ANY, not one, individual, unique or authentic thought about anything. They were shit-scared that I would become not
THEIR candidate but my own candidate and thus represent the 'people' amidst whom I lived (who were, of course viewed
NOT as 'people' but as pliable and stupid interest groups and vote-mobs to be manipulated, lied-to, stolen from, etc., all in order to maintain incumbency and all the rest). There isn't a political person around who cares a damn about the people they represent - and if they say they do they're
STILL lying. I've seen it from the inside-out (my candidacy for 'Mayor' lasted two days. I was dropped like news of the plaque once my name and story hit the newspapers. I was told there were people in town who 'wanted my head.').
In the town I live, they have, in fact, the audacity to televise the local town meetings, held every other Monday night, (they used to be televised 'LIVE' but now that too has been stopped because (it was said) they wished to prevent people 'grandstanding' in front of the cameras for television). The truth of the matter was that they wanted to air
NO live opposition to their bullshit. It was more and more apparent that the small cabal of thieves whores and wenches who ran these meetings (male and female ones too) were always underway with the doing of what they wished - no matter any opposition - and in order to do so they'd belittle, abuse or shame the opponents publically while at the same time bring in any fetid assortment of oldsters, dowdy seniors, male lackeys and their wives - whomever they could - to bloviate before the cameras and effusively praise those in power for their banal efforts at whatever it is the bastards did. It became a hideous spectacle - and if you don't believe me I'll take you to any of ten people who'll vouch for the situation as described. The town is being ransacked and run by liars and cheats. The smiling faces with which it is done make it all the more cheesy, cheap, despicable and criminal.
Someday, the truth will out, as is said.
I hope I'm there to choke the bastards too. You see, these people will die off before too long, and their stench and rotten story lines (one can hope) will pass away with them -
and we'll have their graves to piss on. Oh, yeah,
they asked
ME to run for mayor. They came after me, I didn't go to them - and then when they found out I was a free-number with ideas of my own, they ran like monkeys.
Just goes to show...In the bookstore I work at, one day we were told we had to take and move, or make sure that, any copy of the Koran for sale in our Islam religion section was on shelving which was higher than three feet (or maybe it was four feet, I actually forget) from the ground - as the Koran cannot be closer to the ground than that or it is deemed sacriligious or whatever the Muslim equivalent of that is. So we raised them up. I asked if that meant that a Muslim child of less than that height could not hold or walk while holding a Koran, and was told yes, that's exactly what it means.
That sure seems like a stupid stipulation to me - worrying (once again) about the 'appearance' of things rather than the REALITY of the things themselves. As if any
LORD would care about a human measurement or a positioning of the material object representing the Word or whatever. It reminded me of the extreme reactions of really dense and stupid people - of which there are just as many, believe me, of the Christian faith - who regard slavish dedication and fealty to fixed, artificial and rather random rules about things and allow that to take over their lives. Much like the Catholics who make the sign of the cross on their heads as they walk by a church.
What fealty to what motivation is that? GOD is watching sacred ground? Making sure the servile pig passing makes the sign of the cross? Measuring and ascertaining the exact angle of walk and distance which delineates walking
IN FRONT of an edifice? I think not -
GIVE ME in fact A BREAK!! If GOD does not play dice with the universe (Einstein) neither does He measure its rank and file as they walk to and fro. Get that?
And, in addition, by the Relativity of God, there would be no 'front of' the church - angles intersect and in the cosmic wheel all things blur. GET REAL.
I'm so tired of stupid shits - every one of them at every one of their appointed tasks. Doesn't it seem that there are no original thinkers any more - no one to call what is
IS and what isn't
ISN'T? We're run by the monsters of assembly hall and school, the hooded masters of thought and conjecture, the Big Brothers of the manacle'd oppression. Call it religion, call it education, call it whatever you will -
it's all CONTROL and massive fraud. (Don't believe a word you hear until you source it out yourself)....
I want to go back a little to that political spiel from a moment back. The reason politicians are assholes is that they
deal in a completely one-dimensional fashion with our essential multi-dimensional reality and they neither realize nor understand that fact. Their outlook is retarded, and they look at the world and the issues in a manner bespeaking someone possessed of
great disabilities and
extremely arrested development. Then, once they find a coterie of like-minded individuals (which is
NOT, believe you me, difficult at all to do) they're 'off', so to speak. Speaking to one another, in that mental-case shorthand only they can do. They seek and demand control, and in the most psychotic fashion they seek and demand that everyone else adapt those same viewpoints - then they have the
leverage and the
power to implement those retarded underpinnings into the lives of others ; taxation (which is, essentially, theft), rules, regulations, procedures, obfuscation, and all the rest of the fucked-up nomenclature by which literal-minded pols sweep reality away. Let's go back : George Orwell, doublespeak, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, ideological dogmas, stilted and forced world-views, communism, Marxism, democracy-ism
(American shorthand for totalitarianism). Everything is shaded towards death and slavery. No one cares. People are idiots. You can take your pick. There are 12,ooo years of torrid history lines to prove my point. The Bible and God can act as textbooks to this savagery, if you so wish.
The only 'Savagery' we should look forward to is the savagry of the day when the cultural, creative, light-sword-wielding masses rise up and smite these forms of pestilence in the name of the
One True Constant - the creative and eternal life-force which is our Godhead. Gibbets, crosses, crucifixion-hills and torture palaces in Hell are already set-up for these one-dimensional political types who go through life understanding nothing and forcing the same on others. Their eternal damnation is already written.
They will die not once, not twice, but a hundred times.OK. So much for that.
Confucius had a theory, a plank, called 'The Rectification of Names'. It has always made very good sense to me. It goes (sort of) like this :
The Kingdom has a ruler. That ruler, when he loses Harmony with himself and his Spirits - (when he starts going wrong and begins debasing the people he rules) - then things of the Kingdom start going wrong - the people are dis-satisfied, events are foul, disasters take place. The meanings lose their meanings.
All because of the essential mis-understandings which rule things (the 'Dis-harmony'). The only way to perfect things anew is to rectify the names, the words with which things have been mis-used. In other words, as in my town here, 'Metuchen', no longer being Metuchen - having been messed with, changed, altered and fouled - should be name-changed to something else.
For it NO LONGER exists. The new onus of error should be on the heads of the pricks who did this. O'BrienVille, or whatever. Newark, being no longer Newark, should name-change - on and on it goes.
Unless Harmony is brought back into the picture, nothing will work. The 'Ruler' must find enlightenment, must bring back the Harmony which once prevailed. (Of course, in today's day and age this cannot be done. We are so so far from point zero that to begin again would be akin to returning to a stone-age of material civilization, which
NO ONE would tolerate).
The reason for that is because we have let EVIL, plain and simple, take over and rule events. It's a sad and sorry spectacle. It needs a
'Bearer of Light' to make it right. But we cannot, on the other hand, be afraid of blood-letting. (Hey, I'm beginning to sound like a modern-day Essene).
I think camps should be set up. Places of re-education, perhaps even torture and death. Entertainment figures, the entire entertainment industry, should be the first in. Each and every one of the jerks should have their fingernails pulled and be staked to the ground until they relent. Then the false-medical industry. Then the usurers, the ad-men, the coddlers of deficient people, the liars, the false. I'm only getting started. Rightness and Light must prevail. We've been snookered for thousands of years now by the likes of the malfeasant miscreants who've stepped in and taken over. Distraction rules the day.
If a person MISUNDERSTANDS life itself, and lives that misunderstood life,
he or she should die. It's really that simple. They're already dead eternally anyway.
Do you not think that mental consciousness creates and affects (and effects) the world around us? We are amidst the reality we have created - both singularly and as a mass. You must live by the light, and only then will you have peace and health and goodness and satisfaction.
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