Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Saturday, October 22, 2005



(boring but read it anyway):

One hundred and twenty eight million dollars or such in order to construct and undertake the trial of Saddam Hussein. Think about that - the vast huge Amerikani propaganda machine once more underway with fearsome amounts of taxpayer dollars in order to undertake the still-ghastly mission of reality-constructing a scenario. A mere scenario. There was a time when the only thing held under suspicion was the concept of 'nation-building' but now the American force-field power-regime, instead of at the least facing off the conclusions they come to and blasting away to get the job done, now spends once more inordinate amounts of debt-ridden money (amidst the strangulating mass of crises the nation faces already while looking down the maw of national bankruptcy) in order to circus-manage the distillated contortions of sham-trials of people they once manipulated. A twenty-minute delay no less! (No, I'm not speaking of Tom Delay). The reason given is for SECURITY purposes. Can you believe that bullshit. A twenty-minute time delay presented as some other aspect of keeping people safe and things proper. What new mass of shit is this? Any other natiion, ANYWHERE, would be accused by us of the highest hypocrisy in televising a supposed trial and then presenting it to the world with a tape delay. You cannot imagine, I'm sure, how many hordes of operatives, security agents FBI and CIA and all the rest - how many hordes - of this midget bastards there are attached to this case. Listening in over hunched-down groups of translators and mind-twisters so that the twenty minutes is made to seem adequate to alter or gloss the words of Saddam and the rest. It's all presented as a means of bringing 'justice' to a place where 'justice' has gone begging. Yet, it's anything but that. It's, instead, more of the same - a bankrupted national plan to alter our reality and present LIES and distortions as fact and truth. We shouldn't have spent one more nickel on presenting this twerp as anything but what he was - a dead man. These are, truly, low points for America.

In the neighboring town to which I live, there was a completely fabricated news story in the local newspaper this past Thursday. It too was total crap - a fictional, non-representative account of something which did not exist. A local high school - (by the way, have you EVER seen anything so pathetic as the lengths to which high schools go in order to present the facade that they are important in people's lives and to the community. They appear, by that, rather mawkish - a surreal collection of pep-rallies, skirt-chasers, good-timers and dummies, caught up in the stiltified atmosphere of sentiment and cheer by which the more perverse concepts of twisting people's minds and absconding with resources take place) - had a student some ten years back who graduated and became an astronaut, one who was eventually a part of a shuttle team. After the shuttle flight, some 5 or 6 years back, a local little parking-lot/park adjoining the high school was dedicated to him, with some small fanfare and a carved-wood plaque denoting the situation. I've watched the plaque, over the years now, slowly deteriorate as the wood weathered, peeled curled and crumbled. Eventually, long about July of this year, the sign was finished - diminished to nothing, and removed. Then a new sign, a slightly grander version, was put in its place. And then, this last Thursday, the newspaper reports, inconceivably, of the grand dedication and program which went with naming and dedicating of this park to one 'Mark Polansky' who will now have the honor of having a space dedicated for him as a graduate of JP Stevens High School. Blah, blah ad nauseum. Turns out there's a heated politicial campaign underway in this town for the elction of Mayor and Council in three weeks. Turns out there are quite heated issues which are being twisted and enflamed for this election - in orer to keep the 'Korean' candidate - who beat the incumbent mayor out of his seat in the April primary - from gaining the seat. It's an underlying racism, and the defeated Mayor has backed his cronies, monies and corrupters behind a 'Fusion' candidate who will, for all practical purposes, be representing him as a stand-in.

The stupid newspaper presented none of this - all they did was create and run a monstrous lie - a story of distortion and falsehood whereby this was ALL presented as new. A Dedication of a NEW park, a NEW situation. No mention was made that it was all five years old, at least, nor that the previous sign and dedication, which had been in place a long time, already DID all of those things last go-round. They ran and presented a bogus story of 'something' which was new and unprecedented. I daresay the reasoning behind all of this was political mechanization for all of the entrenched and INCUMBENT powers to show their faces and take credit for SOMETHING WHICH, in fact, DID NOT EXIST. Disgusting.

But...we live by such lies, don't we? ('The newspapers all went along for the ride...')

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