Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Thursday, October 13, 2005




It all goes something like this : 'no school no rein', meaning I suppose that where there's no bridle there's no constraint. It's a map-book with no pages. It's style without style.

There are always factors which go into the make-up of appearance - those small yet telling things which people sense : the person out of place, getting it wrong, just out of step with time. Something like Richard Nixon, of whom it was said - "he always DID it, but he never DID it quite right." It was that factor, in spite of his success and position, which earned him eternally the sobriquet 'Tricky Dick' - the shifty, sweating brow, the furtive-eyed look, the false smile of a man just out of perfect focus, just a degree blurry, wrong. To wit: NOT authentic; seen as trying.

I have always said that the ENTIRE system was corrupt; that underneath everything was a LIE waiting to be exposed. And I stand by that even now, even NOW as it all starts crumbling away and exposing itself - Refco, Hurricane Relief, political contributions and the 'party' system (what a PARTY it's been!), finance, interest rates, credit card empires, investment systems - everything together has banded together to rape and pillage the common man. In fact, the pure IRONY of, for instance, Capital One advertising its over-arching presence in people's lives with images of marauding and out-of-work Pirates, Norsemen, Vikings and assorted pillagers truly astounds. And that but ONE example. The organizational doublespeak of the corporate world is sickening. You know what they're saying by LISTENING to that which they say they are NOT saying. When it crumbles, it will be a wonderful scene.

Education is a sick melody - there simply is none. Nothing of it going on. Here in New Jersey, the two most corrupt entities (outside of strict political tools) are the School Construction Company - which is a state-government financed and run program of such vast corruption, inflated costs and illegal payoffs as to make even God puke - which purports to construct municipally-funded school expansions and new buildings but actually garners its scam and money by increasing the taxes on the local populace for the greed of its cronies - (all soon to be 'investigated') and the UMDNJ - which is SUPPOSED to be the University of Medicine and Dentistry but which turns out to be yet another untraceable sluice-pipe of corruption, lost funding, poor or non-existant (and destroyed) record-keeping of taxpayers dollars which have enriched thousands of bureaucratic crooks. We can do NOTHING about it, for it is ALL already gone. Perhaps, once more, the only solution is to arrest and drag by their genitals, the Board of Education people everywhere, the government agents and agency workers everywhere, and EVERY corrupt bastard politician in office. Yet, there is NO outcry, no roar. In fact, nothing is even mentioned and the sheer folly of doing so (as this post) is so redundantly ineffectual as to be laughed at.

We are sickened (made sick) and destroyed by the EVIL which roars through our society. I've said it so many times that I'm not saying it yet again.

Enoch (see post 3) was taken up bodily to 'Heaven' (as we have foolishly named the extra-terrestrial mothercraft in the cosmic sky-time-perception warp above us) to visit with the Entity who was travelling to and from US. We name him the Triune God (somehow). Essentially, if you read Enoch, Ezekial, Exodus, and all the rest - (God-damn it all, read it CAREFULLY!) - you'll see that all of human history is but stories of visitations. The entire cosmic Credo is about the returning Superior Beings and their multi-leveled minions of star-angels, warriors and guards returning so as to take back this ruined planet we have corrupted by sleeping and breeding with the Giants of Evil which have seeded our races and minds and closed our perceptions. Once that re-visit occurs, the separation shall be swift and simple. They'll be plenty of payment meted out. So, fear not, get ready, and keep reading your stuff.

Anyone not believing me in any of this is invited to contact me; argue, refute, ask questions and debate in whatever way you wish. The time is late, and I'm not fooling around. Watch out, I warn you. (But NO ONE will contact; a certain harsh stupidity rules the day, and it isn't mine.)...

By the way, these Secondary entities are already present, and have been. They've entered into human affairs many times - from Constantine's Milvian Bridge vision to a million plus other scenes which have gently tweaked out lifes and fortunes. Guardians AND Angels both, we really CAN hear them (if we listen) in the backs of our heads.

'In Hoc Signe Vincit'. Got that?

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