2. ILLEGAL CONTUSIONS - Back in the waning days of the
Soviet Empire, beginning in the late Kruschev era, passing through Brezhnev, Chernenko, and all the rest - right up to the demise of that feeble empire and into today's oligarchy of Putin and his cronies - one of the specific greviences against them was
their elitism and selective royalty (in what was known as the
'Nomenklatura' - essentially the ruling cabal of those in the know, with the monied connections and all the corruption which went with it). They were despised; with the dachas (vacation homes) on any of the varied resort seas, their immense cars, voluptuous and greedy lifestyles, ostentatious homes and compounds. All around them, and because of them,
the average Soviet citizen suffered in toil, want and need. They were controlled, dictated to and repressed. Especially in light of the supposed ideology by which the Soviet and Russian empires were being run - some ersatz form of equal and communal socialism by which all men were to have all things
PLUS the good of the State -
it was all a sham, a false
pretense, a land-locked prison of broken and stitled minds. It did eventually fall around itself.
The rest is history, and can be read.What is most astounding now, and most bitterly annoying, is the faux American pretense of Freedom and Choice; of being abe to live an unfettered life.
That too is a lie and a sham - for our Nomenklatura, our ruling elite, has left the old Soviet characters in the dust. Our Elitists are corrupt, evil, sanctimonious and spreading. Their wealth and greed knows no bounds. Their
MANIPULATION of the common character and weal is of a degree never before seen -
the average supposedly FREE American is a slave to market forces, manipulations of media, bold-faced lies and assertions which are blatently given out. The grand cabal of Leaders - from top to bottom, Capitol Hill to State House to local Town Halls to media empires to medical and educational operators to unions and organizations -
ALL are a shambles, a pot full of thieves, liars, and sanctimonious Devils.
The grand talk of American superiority is a pathetic lie. Their allegiance to material goods and the illicit wealth-mongering and thieving by which they maintain themselves is decrepit.
We have NO MEANS of redress. Government service is a slavery of means. The military is now being used as an employer of
LAST RESORT to gather up those otherwise deadened malcontents with nowhere else to turn - who
WILLINGLY give themselves over to a ripened form of caste, slavery, control and robotic service
(the complete OPPOSITE of Democracy) so as to (they say)
PROMOTE DEMOCRACY. Pure bullshit. Slaves to defend non-slavery? Makes sense to me! After their discharges, if they are still whole, the remainders of their lives are spent with their hands out to that Government -
a secret socialism of government largesse, pension, medical service, low-rate mortgages and finanaces and education (preferential slavery again). So, they have defended their false Democracy by their slavery and then willingly agree to spend the remainders of their days as simple wards of the State taking whatever that State will give them and bankrupting the rest.
A truly perfect scam. Fellow man in service to fellow man so the ones who've served the Government can get ahead. It all makes the old soviet system seem sensible enough to me.