Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Sunday, April 05, 2009



192. A LONG ARM OF THE LAW - (Breezy Point and the LAW of Moses):

There's a place just east of New York City and maybe a bit north by degree called Breezy Point - it's basically a police community where the people who go there and live are law enforcement NYC personnel with their summer homes or second homes and I'd been told of it numerous times by someone I knew who was a federal marshal operating out of Manhattan and Newark who went there as often as he could especially during the warmer season and Summer months - it always seemed by description to be a strange and enchanting place to me with eyes everywhere and people on each corner and porch and beachfront chair aware of everyone else and onto everything which went on in a sort-of intelligence community of snoops and lawmen on break and I always wondered what the situation was there towards the actual graft and corruption that always takes place in these situations - cops and their outreach with payoffs and little bits of stolen goods and cover-ups and the like plus in this case the irrepressible urges of adultery and affairs and revolving partnerships (what with all the shiftwork and such) and the assorted panoply of show-wives and trophy-wives with all their ostentatious behavior and jewelry and clothing and the inevitable alcoholic over-supplies - NO MATTER all that - it was apparent even from the people I knew who told me about this place that such behavior was rampant (and I was told) and even they themselves were before long broken up and separated with a rancorous divorce and settlement pending that I couldn't help but hearing all the details of and most of that confirmed what I'd just assumed anyway but funny world that it is it's always a surprise when you discover that behind the facades of everything exemplary (supposedly exemplary) there's dirt and deceit - in this case cops and law enforcement people and in other cases priests teachers and agents of government and it seems everywhere that the whole flaming lot of them are nothing but fakers and thieves anyway but who was the first and who will be the last shall never be determined and nothing about it known and one time this cop guy told me all about his acting in a capacity as a federal marshal on stakeout somewhere by Philadelphia in a long-term surveillance of some mobster connection - he'd bought a cheap seven hundred dollar Chevrolet pickup from someone he knew only because it looked old and battered and completely without ostentation and therefore easy to overlook and the sort of vehicle which would fit in easily and be unnoticed as he sat there night after night at some curbside watching the comings and goings of these crime figures and one night the truck just gave out on the drive down and he had to limp it into position while it was running on like five cylinders (having blown a cylinder or two) and in that same manner (hoping it would re-start - which it did) he had to carefully limp it out of there in the morning and drive it all the way back to Newark NJ hoping all the while to have eluded detection and also suspicion because if he stayed there it could have cost him his life - he'd suspected from that time that it was that surveillance job and those nights away which did in his Breezy Point marriage - 'she' had plenty of time and each night too to go about her appointed rounds : and I know this is a bum story but too good to pass up retelling and anyway it gets me to the next point I'm making - how often I've noticed that 'control' type people (cops lawyers etc.) are most often the ones who end up having the most problems within their own personal lives all the while supposing it to be that they should have dominance over proscribing the behaviors and habits of others : to wit enforcing LAWS made for the common good : and most of that's because we have a social fabric which is thrown over each of us early on and certain people take to it while others do not ever take to it and the ones who most forcefully do so are those who later become enforcers of creed - often without really thinking and mostly for the accrued money and benefits afforded by it (for 'society' itself is twisted in its favor) and they then grow into exemplars of nothing so much as NEED for laws through chasing infractions violations mis-behavior and 'error' - the very same qualities which then come to imbue their own characters and THE CONCLUSION truly is that they are exemplars of an Evil parading as a Good and their own lives represent nothing but a default on the responsibility to grow and move forward - for they are forever stalled by 'enforcement' and the result becomes Breezy Point - crazed battered people wily wives on-the-make salacious men-devils seeking trysts and gain and illicit sex (to boot) and because of their station they get away with it - I once drove a Breezy Point wife home by request of her husband in his absence (she was slightly tipsy) and truly she was all over me - sexually adventurous perverse and annoying in all her glitter and glamour but she exemplified the Breezy Point matron character perfectly - by the time I got her to Breezy Point I could have had sex for hours and been wined and dined but instead I dropped her off and high-tailed it back to my start-point with the guy's car - which I left where I'd been told and I had by that time experienced enough of Breezy Point for sure.
So I look back (in what in anger?) and think to myself any of a million other things about everything - I was abused I was sexually assaulted ? no way for it doesn't exist - don't you see the memories are better than today's realities - bullshitted and crap-ridden as they are when people today are fearful of air and turn on each other and slap the rank and file and cops these cops and priests these priests still all go about their work oblivious to their ostentation and this was after all just a cop-wife and nothing more : 'let me start the bidding of this war at the lowest level possible and we'll see where it takes us from there and if it doesn't we'll just close up shop and regardless of endings the middle is great' and I heard that as an echo of some blandishment on a grassy lawn somewhere 'die here of hunger like a stray dog - or rise up and rule overnight!' (bet you don't know what that's from - that's from a Hebrew poem written in 1913 by the poet Shimon Ginzburg describing his fearful state of mind as a young immigrant arriving in America and to Ginzburg the Statue of Liberty seemed a foreboding Fortuna raising not a torch but a 'clenched fist' promising anything and nothing to the arriving refugees 'Come to me all who are hungry for bread or for justice; or who yearn to breathe the air of freedom - die here of hunger like a stray dog or rise up and rule overnight!' and he was playing on the Passover invocation 'Let all who are hungry come and eat' turning Jewish 'hospitality' into New York City indifference) 'the Statue of Liberty was a Lady but the most clothed one I ever saw in New York City - where most of the better disheveled ladies had frocks barely covering their charms - and plenty of charms them was!' - that was Horation Purbst in 1917 looking back on his many years in the 'New World' as he still called it - he was by the records 207 years old if you can believe that when he died on Coenties Slip in some tiny wooden hovel stuck between two larger warrens of fish-slop and salvage cellars and his mind was as filled with memories then as the day he was born ('4th good life around' he'd say) and no one could say why he was still here nor where he'd come from - Purbst would just laugh a shudder and stare - but he'd been heard to declaim 'Liberty's a whore anyway and that's a sword in her hand to slay the masses and the air of Freedom's a joke and always been one and no mighty woman with a torch was ever gonna' do anything powerful right anyway - wretched refuse and huddled masses besmirched and sullen - SEND THESE TO ME! you idiots' - he was finally buried on an April day in 1924 secretly if you must know on the back lot of a rooming house by Corlears Hook where they made hulls for ships adjacent to his beloved East River - and he had no kin it was said except everyone and wasn't that a laugh too ! and anyway passing beneath Liberty's gaze as they entered New York Harbor immigrants projected their own feelings of optimism and excitement upon the looming figure and Ginzburg's Hebraic gloom was QUITE the exception and the cult of the statue was created by a Slovenian-American journalist named Louis Adamic who in the 1930's made Lazarus's sonnet the centerpiece of his campaign to celebrate the contributions to America of immigrant and ethnic groups in a rebuke to the rise of Nazism in Europe so that even then it was all hype extraordinaire and something done with a purpose and let's check out the purpose (a good Jewry again) and let's check out who was being celebrated (a good Jewry again) and let's figure it all out from there...I LEAVE YOU BE...there's nothing pure in America for it's all a watered-down something of NO pedigree.

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