Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Sunday, March 15, 2009




Without wishing to know anything more I walked to the sea and when I arrived there the sky was low and the ocean was heaving itself up to the shore in massive crumblings of water beneath a full-moon sky filled with shapes - clouds scurried by beneath the moonlight - and I understood again that so many things go by without being understood and that's probably the way it should be anyway for 'understanding' just forces mistakes and wrong names to the fore : 'stillness is the order of the day and man's greatest strength is shown in standing still for if we would mirror God our souls must be more still' and that was the message of the water and the night sky together as I seemed to hear some music of the stars above the sea echoed again in the pounding roar of a midnight's surf and yet AGAIN I sought no understanding but just passably let it be and without discerning matter OR its cause I was able to enjoy each everything I saw : and I thought of death and all of those I knew who had died and I balanced it with life and all of those I knew who were living - as TOGETHER they meshed quite well - a passing tanker creased the half-lit ocean and I wondered of those aboard the craft - where to were they headed and how - on the whim of a hope and a prayer for weeks upon some open ocean of the blackness and dark without a full knowledge of what was with them - air and wind the leaden cold rain of the great ocean's squalls the calming effect of sunrise along the far horizon and a voice within me said 'seek to know no more yet merely let it show'...and so I did while standing upon some abject notion of land and place of sand and situation and I knew the world could be good if only I were to let it be.

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