Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Saturday, November 15, 2008



173. AN AGE OF SCIENCE AND DOUBT (lecture 21, present day time):

'Two guys sunning on the moon with laser guns ricocheting off Mars - anyone's quick synopsis of the last 50 years could include those two items and nothing more and get the point across - of course it leaves out by decibels of sound all the gruesome ways of death and slaughter all the broken limbs and false enticements of Kingship and Power and victory and force : there once really were rivers that ran with blood and they probably still drain into the hidden sluice pipes of despond and all that runs through it : broken bindings on the Bibles of Hell where the preachers who use them have opened each volume and split their backs - folding them over before huge crowds swaying - angels of Death on markers of shame cruising down from the skies as the stewards and hostesses of sex crime and theft and every leaf in those books has been sealed and lacquered over with the gloss of snide and the snicker of deceit BUT NO ONE (everlasting glorious redundant heaps of two-legged people) thinks twice nor looks back and over the rubble settles new dirt and dead trees and the drained and oiled industrial soil of contorted crops the harvest of which is nothing but more of the same : 140mph cars headed nowhere in a flash and driven by broodheads and idiots who then join the armies of the world to fight and grab back what they claimed was theirs anyway : first the lesson is polished and then consumed like an apple fallen from a Satanic tree - the same old story the elders spat out and if all time is nothing but endless repetition and if the eyelashes of God and all the female saints of old bear ANY RECOGNITION to holiness at all then I'm in this for the long-haul but only if I can clean the corridors of power and slaughter the guilty - leaving (perhaps) the innocents at bay to fend for themselves.'

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