Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Friday, October 24, 2008




There is another waning moon over my right shoulder in the early morning darkness - nothing like the sun has come up yet and the sky grows only slowly light and thus it has ever been : some Devil entrapment lurks 'round every corner and the yellow lights of weakening lanterns throw strange forms across the glass and every window I see is partially shaded by something I'm not sure of - amidst all the things for sale from yesterday and all the shoes and coats and hats and cameras of another commerce are figments of another imagining - one of magnificent deals and bargains to be made beyond the reckoning of these feeble cash transactions and it is only when I STOP to determine what follows me that I realize it is nothing nothing at all and the indeterminate nature of my time and place reciprocates and calls me back by names I will not reckon to : insignificant wretch foolish cipher and the rest : were I to actually listen I'd surely go mad but as it is I'm deaf to the soundings of any Lucifer or Luther too for that matter and MY theses posted on any doorway would be addressed to the Devil I see more than the Devil I don't see : 'you are miserable too you pathetic little worm' and then I'd list a million things of issue and consternation - how the world is really flat as planar consciousness itself and only time enfolds back upon time over and over how the light we see is but a tangible manifestation of that which first conceived it and how all of this taken together can be used by our working minds (either as one or individually) to compose the world we walk through : and I am the braying of the wolf on the flat frozen night I am the mariner heading back to shore I am the dead boy holding the candle he is to be buried with who first gets up again arises and turns to the mourners and says this : 'do not look back at me do not seek me out with reluctance for I am the testament to what you will not admit - that all life is current and steady and processed together and that even as the dead co-mingle souls so the living too must provide for themselves and each other at one turn and without further knowledge you should say back to me 'you have proven the case for faith' even though I have not (for it is all a figment of sorry times and a nostalgia for an old Paradise mixed with the keening of all the past') -- and then JUST LIKE THAT there is no more.

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