Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Saturday, August 16, 2008


MY OWN MONDO CANE (the Air of a Sanctified Place)

158. MY OWN 'MONDO CANE' (the Air of a Sanctified Place):

Mondo Cane : I have done nothing : that’s Italian for ‘a dog’s life’ and has nothing to do with the English word ‘cane’ : I have nothing : and have gotten over that : there are too many words in the English language things that mean nothing – like solace or malfeasance or attainment or signature : caterwaul overplay vault dramatic urge enumerate dismember antagonize orate nod surmise denote percolate tureen unknown benefit nimble harsh – just things to say or words to mention when between all other words ideas themselves fail : adumbrate the exceptional moment - it was on a Tuesday I realized I had outlived my usefulness had nothing to say and should probably move on but Death held no dominion and my hands were BOTH too shaky – I couldn’t aim I couldn’t slice and besides either way I neither wanted to do so nor cared enough about doing so to try : what a waste and I have a life to sell BUT life is nothing more than a sad and singular moment worth little or a sound and a fury signifying nothing or this castle has a pleasant seat or whatever the quote in MacBeth might be about the ‘air’ of a sanctified place – in this particular MacBeth moment meaning only of course that THAT castle is pleasant and has fresh air and is ventilated and does not smell of shit or offal or human and animal waste and stale dead airs of dank confining places AS CASTLES WERE WONT TO DO and if only a GREAT King could have an airy castle and ONE WITH A PLEASANT AIR then GREAT it all must have been Irene Castle Jimmy Castle Roddy Dunsmore and Burnham Woods too – that was really a guy’s name I once knew and his buddies called him ‘Bernie’ though ‘Woody’ too was often heard and there’s no leaning on air or on figments of bad imagination Cain and Abel and the Canaanites too the MYSTIQUE is all there though it’s broken in millions of pieces and I am your father’s idol but it was YOUR mother I worshipped at the altar of dread : six in the morning coffees in bed after long nights of roustabout lovemaking but there was nothing to report to anyone – no movement on any front Ron Napoli to Charlie Swoboda cretins and mutants and soldiering slobs : Aleck oh Aleck to him I would heed NOTHING sensible ever came forth – bad news bad taste bad ideas and no noise ‘cept for the empty clacking of some loosening wheels : in the jar of an addict can be found many foods and the singular mention of a milk-toast fiasco can bring life from a dead man to be sure – rolling away the stone was ONE thing but putting it all back together again was quite another like in the Valley of the Bones episode in the Bible – not too much was really left to chance I guess ‘lest there’d be an arm hanging from an ear or a leg where a mouth should be : all this stuff did have to be done quite carefully you see and like the sad policeman who lost his gun in the rain there was nothing to do but start crying in shame.

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