'No evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways' I knew that psalm from my psalm-knowing days and never thought it more ill-fitting than to the modern day and what sort of Deity is it anyway who overlooks so many outright faults and mistakes and the concept wherein it says 'he shall keep you in all your ways' bothered me the most of all because it was so absolutely without judgment and I could never square that with the old tiresome God of judgment who had to do with all of this because essentially that phrase had been taken into the modern day to mean literally
ALL the ways of mankind - thievery lies deceit blasphemy prostitution murder war death sexual perversion outright Godlessness Jew audacity and all the rest apparently OK with this God and overlooked and in fact protected - and all this from a little sand-pestered group of words from a few thousand years back - absolutely meaningless nonsense if you asked me as I thought of it then it did nothing but confuse and sadden and actually anger me too for
where was the God of hellfire and damnation and retribution and vengeance the captor of evil nations and the victor over all ? and why had He left the world so suddenly to run over in its own ways with all Evil which prospered and all falsehood which ruled - He had fallen Himself to the Deviltry of all Devils the Idolatry of all Idolaters and we dwelt in a land ruled by Evil even though the opposite was falsely professed - where was the sword ('I have not come for peace I have come to bring a sword...') and all that approximate stuff but now we had churches amassed upon churches up and down these primordial New York City den of thieves craphouse pits of Evil denigrating cesspools of Mammon Lucre Wealth Envy Pride and Gluttony too to say nothing of Wrath Lust Sexuality and Perversion and temples of vice and worship at the same time and Jews with staffs on every corner shouting filth and sundered false Christians bent with their own sticks and the whole place was an unfettered den of sickening corruption vile death and prolonged and unnatural perversion with moneychangers liars and thieves in every vaudevillian toilet up and down the streets
WHAT had it all become and
HOW and
WHO was this God who would 'give his angels charge over you and keep you in all your ways' and I'd seen nothing of it nothing of justice or the retribution of scales and I wondered myself when and why did this sand-desert God step forth and proceed from 'protecting' his little band of twisted monkey-faced worshippers to taking on the protection of the whole entire world as in 'they shall be as plentiful as the stars in the sky' or the dust on the ground or something said to Abraham or Isaac or Ishmael or someone like that.