Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Friday, March 07, 2008




"Bankrupt the money-heart gather all the oysters in the furious ocean some skimmer like a sieve washing sins from errant sinners singing sounds from the lower jaw I'm Mandible Maxie the one with the mouth and whatever shot off was shot off from somewhere and although I remembered your name I didn't recognize your face - ass backwards really and pretty hard to do - but the Linden tree was a rare oasis and the old woman came down the steps to talk to me about the appointment she'd made at the nail palace nearby and 'who was running the hot dog stand now?' and 'was it any good?' she asked both those questions with a smirk as she lit a cigarette in the fragrant late Fall air but I couldn't smell the difference between HER and anything else there (but I just left it at that and walked away) and I've heard it said that 'meat is murder' but if that is true than 'what of the herder?' and a real answer to that would be that THAT kind of mass-produced cattle-meat never herds is never free never roams and is instead penned up in squalid fetid stalls with nary a foot to move and it's all mass-produced for slaughter and that is that and really the best thing you could do is eat shut up and be glad you're not a cow - sort of like that the long-running debate in my head wished to turn it back on the hot-dog questioner lady who seemed so interested just a minute ago about quality and then some girl walked up to me and asked if I had the time and I said 'yeah - for you I've got all the time in the world' but that wasn't what she meant instead she wanted to hear 'eleven twenty five' and leave it at that but she started telling me about her dog - which was actually a nice dog - but I said 'it's nice about your dog but I'd really like to meet your pussy' but of course I didn't say that either because that wasn't what she wanted to hear and you do really have to be so careful in every social situation."

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