127. 'I FELT AS IF THERE WAS SOMETHING IN MY HANDS NOT JUST WATER' - & ALL ELSE IS FALLING WITH IT:It was always some sort of retribution - this life was - the kind of retribution the top-notch
meditators and zen-addled facilitators would often go on about as Karma and Destiny entwined their useless limbs about some flaccid point-of-purpose which no one could ever know and entire confused religions were built up around that one point :
all that we do NOT know and cannot and will not know about existence summed up in a peculiar set of commands and dictates left by God for us to follow and then the resultant second depth of confusion concerned the how and why of our means of 'following' those dictates of who said what to whom and where
so that because of this essentially religions have warred upon religions (made up of people eventually dead whether by sword cannon or old age itself answering its own question) and religions in turn have warred upon the world and all its secular and scientific attributes together and chosen individuals have selected themselves to speak that word and call the reasons and limits while committees synods and
cominterns by same manner have arisen to mark the rules and methods to choose the values and meanings and
within all this BALL of confusion science and logic have mixed with philosophy and physics to form its own anti-matter of time and situation into that selfsame mix of locus and ethos : minions of the lost parlaying their losses into place while
history lame History weaves backward its last-look story of all that once-was-may-have-been-could-have-been this time this way ONCE so long ago : and no one winces for no one knows and those who know don't know in spite while Earth the globe the logic-mantle the ossified rock sets still its spinning time and stays in place while falling -
and all else (it seems) is falling with it.