121. 'I DISAVOW NOTHING - I STAND BY WHAT I SAID':So you see (needless to say) and I reiterate -
people are stupid and get things wrong and that wrongness grows and they continue to build upon it thus getting things 'wronger' or more wrong as you put it :
they neither care nor understand the apparent transposition of the relativity of their positions into absolutes which enter the mainstream and
propagate further errors and the efforts commensurate with them :
IT SEEMED I KNEW ALL THAT already somehow and I lived my life not just as life alone but as if another room a library alongside me was always at access and with me and in that 'library' were all the volumes and facts needed for anything I'd need -
figures ideas explanations and revelations which could at any time advance me and explain for me any issue of consequence the world around me and I could delve into that whenever I wished at any time and from anywhere too - it was a very valuable resource and I used it always and from it I drew a certain form of cosmic sustenance which affected the very warp of what I was living and it was all as if
a constant physics of my own making had disinterred from some grand depth all that which had effected the marks and makings of my days and hours - I was able to bend time to my own workings and to fathom things I'd otherwise not understand : a great magic wheel above me in the sky was constantly rotating and bringing into new focus by its unique lenses the issues and items I needed so as to continually somehow create a reality of my own which I then carried with me through the physical world below into which I'd fallen (or 'been dipped' I liked to say - using a metaphor from my ice-cream store days) and I learned to talk and learned to understand all over again : one characteristic I noticed right off is the manner in which 'talk' gives a person away - the very sound and manner of the voice is an immediate touchstone as to the where and how of
someone's personal life and interior status - thus a hammer is the equal of the coarse builder and the quill pen bespeaks the genteel scholar - silly marks but marks nonetheless and this was the time of construction workers chasing down protesters in the street and bashing heads and this was the time of anti-war demonstrators screaming and flailing and breaking glass and running random through wild streets - the time of shouts not
murmurs the years of screaming and maniacal frenzy and then
IT SIMPLY ALL STOPPED! everyone broke down again the
edges had blurred the world fell
apart and heroin and cocaine were the new currency of a more modern and ugly day - the Steve
Rubells of the world (like cheap champion bowlers) had taken over the streets and displaced everything else : Max's Kansas City transvestites and cranks : that was all I really ever saw and
it was all 'raw ribald stupid and sour' (the street-world's new law firm to be sure).