Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Saturday, November 03, 2007




It's one thing to look the other way but another thing entirely to feign blindness or pretend you just don't see YET there are many people at any one time doing just that and having it work for them : by such manners do we convince ourselves of things invincible by fallacy of logic or reason - THINGS OTHERWISE UNTRUE - the good intentions of Ferlin Husky and the trials and tribulations of old Frank Kafka himself laughter and forgetting humor 'midst tribulation and leftover morsels at a hungry man's table : each and all for naught but all evened out in the end : for surely we never stand alone but there's always something with us whether memory falsity illogic or deceit to name just a few of the best and I've never won a medal neither for scarcity nor plenty though I did win one once for 'oratory' - back when I was the king of South Jersey High Schools and the mentor of Blackwood High - they'd come from miles around in winter Sunday afternoon school buses - tours and groups with guides and witnesses to whatever I was doing : stagehand productions oratory drama Shakespeare Kings and Passion Plays or reading Martin Luther's address before the Diet of Worms aloud ('SOMEONE'S got to bell the cat!') - one thing after another one little bit at a time - I wanted to be Ulysses I wanted to be Robespierre and Manon and I wished for all the world for a theater of my own but really really I ask WHAT was happening during that time ? Leroy Jones became Imiri Baraka that fellow named Little became Malcom X and Cassius Clay became Muhammed Ali with Zimmerman Bob Dylan to boot : and what the hell for ? was any of it worth anything?

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