There once was an old Indonesian guy who lived by himself as a sort of Holy-man amidst his garden and meditation and he once drew me a picture on the ground with a stick and the picture was an androgynous human figure standing upright with hands clasped in prayer but this figure had four legs and no head and where the head should have been there was only a wild forest of ferns and flowers and there was a small smiling face drawn over the heart and I asked him what was that which he had drawn and he said 'to find balance this is what you must become - you must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it's like you have
four legs instead of two - you see
THAT way you can stay in the world -
BUT you must stop looking at the world through your head and you must look through your heart instead - that way you will know God' and now in fact as I think back I also recall that at another time he'd sent me a note which simply said :
'Remain Invisible' and after I'd thought about all that for a while
I realized it's often as difficult not to do damage as it is to do damage - when you're doing something and when you intend not to it sometimes just makes no difference and I found that surely
PERCEPTION changes and things alter their appearances and simply
SEEM different but it's all interpretation and you have to just move your ind along as things come and go and
you've got to use the LIFE in the living as an interpretative gesture by which to qualify whatever you see : that's why artists are so great and that's why I spared no effects to make myself be possessed of that artistic view - the detachment and the dedication and work that go with it - as I went along and
USUALLY that means a freedom from lots of things - no attitudes no opinions or judgemental ideas no awareness of the time and place as limiting factors but instead a complete breach of the mental geography which makes prisons out of time and place and thus resultant is the looseness and the wide-open-to-experience approach which brings magical surprise which brings a serendipity of creativity to everything
SO I read a few books and I moved along I drew a few pictures and I kept going so I wrote a few things and I meandered on and everything was experience and everything was internalized and
I began to laugh just laugh at everything limiting for it meant nothing to me and that's really really the way things should always be.