Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Friday, April 13, 2007




There's a certain nervousness about everywhere and everywhere one goes there are people jittery with their own brands of uncertainty and compensation for everything around them which represents the 'unknown' to them : and quite frankly there's nothing to be done about it BECAUSE it is a reaction to uncertainty and a reaction of which people have no control over and probably can't even understand - I think of grandparents with thirty or forty photos on their mantlepieces and on their walls which purport to show their earthly family wherever it has been spread to - sons and daughters nieces and nephews grandkids and everything else whether Minnesota or New Mexico California or Maine they show them all and WHY? because it's a bulwark against abandonment and uncertainty it's a kind of notch in the barrel of indifference of which everyone is afraid or aware and unsure of - indifference rears its head and whether or not it's 'ugly' or just a head of any sort they never know quite what to do with it - thus church steeples thus factory chimneys thus stores and products thus consumption (not the disease but the quest - which is probably the disease of the modern man anyway) any of which accumulate matter and an ethos to stave off the resultant uncertainty of drift and abandonment which is man's state of affairs no matter what else (listen ! listen to that baby's screech at birth and hear that wailing too).

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