79. GOVERNED BY MEGALOMANIACS (Something You Can Hold 'til a Cold December):Usually a harsh creature of habit (or a creature of harsh habit) or a big fan of absurdist fiction or anything else can be brought to the fore and hypnotized by dice and the allure of an 'other' to recall or say what thoughts come to the surface and now
Lo and Behold ! we have them all the same crawling all over the televised screens -
misogynist hogs holding their daggers erect in their filthy hands and spouting stern rhetoric and garbage for everyone else to listen to and nod and
NO ONE reacts or even sees instead they stare glumly forlorn and
wonder again only about their own tomorrows : fantasy parks and men with markers the hammer the cleaver the axe : I am left in dismay standing alone wondering about what I'm in the middle of
thinking about yesterday and forgetting today and if I stoop to write a letter it's a letter of intent to run away fade out disappear and I walk right up to the face of this Rudy Grillo fellow and say
"I say old chap what's keeping you now ? still selling bullshit by the pound?" and he talks back to me like a statue and says
"yes sure and did you know or have you forgot already it was me who invented Multiple Listings for I once was a great real estate leader" and I said
"pshaw to all that prove it or I believe nothing you say" and then just like that two days later he's dead and his son's driving a taxi right to the gravesite and no one says a word while he snorts three pounds of pure cocaine during an afternoon alone and the entire car stinks and the odor's outrageous too and then Claudia comes down from upstairs to show me her cunt with the new piercing she's gotten and I say
"Claudia Claudia your vulva needs no embellishment you should enjoy it for what it is and your downtown Disneyland - take it from me - needs no extra help or decoration either" and she laughs and says
"Ha! I know exactly what you mean and so does Kurt [her truck-driving boyfriend who's right then out on the road somewhere driving across Pennsylvania] so while he's away let's me and you what say
TRY this out for size and see how it works!" and I start laughing and she says
"c'mon now baby don't fail me on this" so we get down to action and I test her reaction and the TV tube she's got playing is saying over and over [so I thought I heard]
"an invasion is imminent an invasion is imminent" and she says
"good for me ! that's just what I was hoping ! INVADE ME you fool!" and it was all over in a flash as I filled with my drool her gash and just like that I say
"Jesus Jiminy Claudia - do you even know what's going on ? who's President now and what's going to happen?" and she says
"can you tell me what crop circles are?" and I start to explain but give it up after a minute - figuring I'd told it simply enough and she's caught the drift - and she says "oh thanks - I really had no idea what they were and I heard people talking about them at the Knox [Tavern] the other night and I wanted to join in but wasn't sure what they meant" and I said "that's OK they're really not important to you anyway - now that you're suitably pierced they'll leave you alone - they're repelled by metal in humans" and she said "oh I'm so disappointed at that" and then the man on her TV said the President had died and the succession was taking place in an orderly fashion and any further news would be broadcast at eleven
and Claudia oh Claudia said "my God we live in such interesting times INTERESTING I mean to say very - can you help me clean up this mess?" and I said
"sure stay put don't move a thing you make a very interesting sight".