69. NO THANKS FOR THAT:One day I was talking to some lady named
Priscilla Iresk and she had a lot to say about the world and about certain things that got her angry and one was about the waste of golf courses - which she called 'greenery made stupid' and she said that she'd like to see the day when every golf course was taken away from the elite and the people who played there ('the rich' she claimed) and were instead turned over to be used as tented housing encampments for the needy and homeless and she sort of felt that this would be her solution to that problem a solution by the way that I could actually envision as a decent solution at least in the best of weather or in good weather but cold spells rains and snows would wreak havoc with the idea as would sanitation and food service unless it was all to be done as a vast communized experiment of mass implementation of an idealized vision of social living and that itself doesn't even touch on the raucous and trouble the wealthy would make upon losing their golf courses nor does it actually 'address' the issue of the endlessly continual stream of stupid and dense people of little intelligence or incentive who do end up as these indigents she was purporting to help and as far as
I was concerned it was all crap and junk science and screw them whatever their situation - not a very charitable point of view I figured so I kept quiet about it and actually there was one last and major objection I could have thrown out to the idea which would have been
WHO are the
THEY that would be running this and I suppose selecting the people for inclusion ? and that's where my most intense concern would have been the
WHO of the people for it all seemed to me as just another jumble of elitists adept at showing up others and taking command and staying there and
NO THANKS for that - and every indigenous culture the world over is now in limbo anyway - caught between nature and the city as corporations pursue their land minerals and plants and why should the
POOR be any different from them and the only remedy anyway for it all is to return to the garden some place where the human mind which developed in the wilderness and still needs it can yet go and where coolness cools the mind and clean air brings clarity of thought but there's way way
WAY too many people for that now and all those people well
THEY'RE the problem and it's not really anything else that must be faced off except such massive overpopulation but how in the world do you deal with that?