64. A BANG LIKE A LORD:He was smashing her hard enough to break glass and she was screaming back because of it and he was big and heavy and rugged and strong while she was as lithe as a beautiful bird seemingly strumming on wistful chords from Heaven but that's the way it went - they both were enjoying something that was evidently all it was cracked up to be and if there was any writing on the wall they were reading it now while I by contrast - always wanting to play the prophet - was instead quite supple in the other room watching a few fish move around in an aquarium while shadows of something outside were somehow projected on the wall nearby (nothing I could ever figure out) and again it was 22nd Street on an early Spring schedule and the people I'd gotten used to seeing were once again all about - slowly arriving by ones or twos and then staying put either outside or up along the stairwell waiting to see what happened but the rock-solid bevy of people were not all aware of the massive fornication just then finishing up above their heads - and I'd not tell because it was someone else's girlfriend I'd espied on her naked back on that bed - and the less anyone knew the better for all and anyway the most elementary of particles in things like this always meant some incremental move was easy to overlook (nothing big ever really happened) so I just let it all go and took down a book of historic posters from London's East End and Dublin's Irish Theater - anyway things I didn't really care about - J.M. Synge Oscar Wilde W.B. Yeats Sean O'Casey and all the rest - but the old photos were very good and the lack of dental hygeine too was amazing but I figured that was back in the day before telegenics and photogenics was important so no one really cared if you were a famed somehow playwrite missing five teeth or had three loose one and a blackened front tooth left and all anyone really cared about then (it seemed) were words and the handwriting which they kept showing as somehow proof of an authentic theater movement and an exciting night at the theater was incomplete without someone signing a handbill or poster or playbill or something and everyone seemed to like cigarette holders too - or pipes for the men - very strange indeed : and this was how I passed the time until those two were done fucking with an awful howl and an outward blanche as they both (fully sated and drained) collapsed back onto the bed together for a few moments before getting up and as she arose soaked with sweat and dripping wet I noticed she cupped her hand under her privates as she ran towards the bathroom so I figured she'd caught a good load of leakage right there and he got up with still half a hard-on to light a cigarette and noticing me he said "had enough I take it?" and I said 'Shit no it wasn't me I didn't have any or didn't you notice" and he laughed and said "who's downstairs ? the whole passel of assholes again?" and I said "I guess so but they've been there a while" and he croaked and said something about them waiting like that for a fire or a funeral that I really didn't catch and then there she was again beautiful and fixed as ever and I nearly died when I saw she was still naked and not embarassed one bit and she smiled at me and said "oh HI! I didn't know you were here!" and then she put on a robe and went off to get dressed - just like that - and it was the most warming thing I'd seen and it all made me feel actually as if it had just been
ME doing all that work but then he said "let me get dressed and you can start letting the jerks up" so I did - going towards the elevator doorway and turning the key to 'On' and lighting the corridor and soon enough the noise started rising upstairs and people were everywhere while the wine started flowing the phonograph played some old jazz tunes and someone turned on the overhead lights which threw a projected wall-image of something like wax or honey blobs slowly moving about in colors too vivid to describe and in a few moments again everyone was about and both he and she - she in a vivid red shift or something which showed her off perfectly and starting the entire cycle of arousal again (or could have) mingled and mixed and not a word was said.