58. I WANTED TO MAKE A NEW MANNER:I'd always wanted to break out - to make a new manner of seeing for myself a new manner of writing and talking and observing and just
BEING and the evidences were all around me that it
COULD be done if I began to do it right and that involved or would involve many things and among them would be
(as a 'reaction' to what I'd been seeing) an end to the supposed equanimity of all things and the idea that all values are equal or equally valid or permissible had to be done away with and buried - and that was one of the first things I did and with great aplomb to myself : I began to
'discriminate' just as the rest of the LBJ Great Society bullshit country was determining its fate in putting an end to de facto segregation and discrimination of all kinds in the racial realm - the very opposite - and I took all of that into the realm of values and knowledge and learning and started pointing to certain and varied things and saying
'THAT' is not right
'THIS' is wrong and it's all still a very strange conundrum to me as to how this occurred - this flip-flop of interpretation amidst the vagaries of turmoil and rancor in society for as it turns out a 'Liberalism' of the intellect is not always a good thing but that's another detail for another day : I stayed in place or went to the 42nd street library or any of the galleries and reading rooms and art-places around and did as much personal work there as I could absorbing learning finding and understanding all forms of knowledge and ideas art and other : I studied supercilious religions and the causes they caused 'In Palmyra New York a small town on the Erie Canal 20 miles east of Rochester - a normal small sleepy upstate town of western New York State - in 1823 an angel named Moroni supposedly visited a 17-year old farmer named Joseph Smith and directed him to a hill just south of Palmyra where he later dug up the golden plates containing the text of the Book of Mormon and he founded a religion and a church of that religion called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) which attempted by its words and portrayals to represent the encapsulated ideas of the original Mesoamerican peoples who got their start on these matters with the emigration of Lehi - the Mormon's Israelite ancestor - to these lands'
I delved into the origins of the Americas and the resounding strangenesses of the originations and genesis of the peoples therein and I learned magical things strange things concurrent with different things and theoretical things and I took
ALL of this to the streets with me and began to see the incredible true and real differences in time that overlap on the streets of Manhattan and
I walked and talked among the ancients as they walked with me and to me I walked among the peopled ancestors of all that went before and all they places they'd originated and I was shown origins and definitions of things like time and space and reality and self and being and pleasure and anger and shame hurt envy fallacious greed and all the rest and I became a holy man then too and walked that way amidst my peers and all the places of New York City I to you now impart -
wonderful informations and astounding things AS I HAVE SAID : a new manner of everything for me was born fresh.