Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Sunday, November 05, 2006




I went to the haberdasher’s house in the rain and walked right through the door’s glass pane hoping to hurt the one who came back from Aruba with much to gain - the swiddle the swaddle the effervescent surge and they started speaking near me of oil and birds and the tanker which crashed and those tides that surged but the last amalgamation I’d ever heard was the one where the wind earns points for taking a turn and the one guy with the bladder stared and said : "we’re oilmen son and we'd just as soon instead of talking be hard at work at some rig some dolly some huge piece of earth and it’s out upon the sea where the real money’s made don’t let them fool you no matter what’s heard FOR HERE on the land only small people dwell" and (just like a chorus they sang) ‘THEY CAN ALL GO TO HELL!’ but nearing the end of some Chapter Fourteen the drinkmaster came by with a lovely young teen – some able bar-girl from the Bay of Fundy and I thought to myself ‘perhaps this is my day’ but it wasn’t it couldn’t be for her mom was along – she was ninety-two and sang for a song – but one look at her and I lost all my lunch but regained it quickly on one brand new hunch so I began speaking in tongues and put one down her throat and luscious as ever the daughter was smote and the next thing I noticed AS I RAN PAST THE SWAMP was the measure of madness that grew and the pomp that so many girls seem to just love to see – the roses the gowns the candles and me – but nothing was harder than ten peas in a pod ‘INNER PEACE’ someone yelled so I jammed her real hard.

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