And what I found was nothingness in the center but complete possibility all around it like the old broken wharves where there is no longer any connection to the sea and where there hasn’t been any cargo handled or delivered in thirty years but the old pilings still stand and slowly so slowly they rot away but it brings forth one thing what are we for what is the work of man that he should prosper and herewith is the tale of everything the key to unlock the door the opening of the end
THE VAST UNSILENT MYSTERY OF THE OLD COSMOS unolding itself – the idea I call –
‘Memory Catching Up With Itself’ and just standing here watching the cars and people roll by I think of the word ‘chief’ as my father would say pulling into any old Texaco station "fill it up chief" like he was about to be given a ghostly dose of light and grace and wisdom
FILL IT UP CHIEF for sure old Nobodaddy was listening one would hope and then the
charming effusence of meadow and field and that pristine rural quality of ‘Allthattheworldoncewas’ that Eden that place we all came from that ever-evolving over-arching symbol of time and energy within us making us what we can and are the magicians of ourselves in fact the stupid stage illusionists of the world united could do no better Martin d’Aigle David Copperfield Kreskin whomever over and over pulling the rabbit out of the hat but
WHO pulled the hat out of nothingness ! who made the rabbit understand it was in but a hat ! who brought that wondrous woman back from the dead…WHO!!