Established Marvel : a Monk by Abbreviation

Thursday, May 04, 2006




Then something like anything else arose and it was soon everywhere and the city streets grew crowded with it and the hanging decorations came across as bothersome and maybe pretentious but they nonetheless hung from nearly everything - poles light fixtures streetside clock towers doorways and lobbies - everything was cloaked of a sudden in red and decorated to some tasteful hilt yet all for the sake of the SALE and Christmas seems to never come too late just always too early and all the people had lined up outside the department store windows as though from another older and more distant age when that sort of thing mattered and furs and pearls and long winter cloaks were all the rage as the carriages and paths led in every direction through the gently fallen snow and families and couples walked and children sledded noisily along wherever they could and some great huge ice-storm of a city and a time and place all put together grew into a froth of white and cold over cityscape landlocked Winter as people gawked at windows and figurines and poorly-lit chocolate shops stayed open late by flickering candle-light as people drew cocoa and kids chomped on candy and everywhere it seemed the season was in the air and good-will towards all was like a prayer in a shawl as goodness covered all of the land BUT never to stay too good for the world it all eventually withered away and left in its stead the broken paths of melted black snow where everywhere horses snorted and plopped their debris along path and side road and lane and lovers it was noted began suddenly to cry and depart and the wide broad dark cloud descended low over the city and space until everywhere it seemed all things all had begun to just disappear and a silence and sadness covered full the broad-spread land.

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