9. THE POWER OF NATURAL ENEMIES:Are you proud of yourself now? You've invented a suitcase you can live in but you can never get out of.
Irving Berlin knew nothing of music. He only wrote for the black keys because that's all he knew to do. He changed his named from
Izzy Balin - My Goodness! A surprising compromise.
Linda Eastman was not an Eastman. She'd changed her name from
Linda Levine when she began snapping portfolio pictures of fucking rock stars in her pushy, two-bit way. Look where it got her.
Toots Shor was really
Eddie Mercantalado - he'd done 11 years in a federal prison for stealing pictures of Roosevelt's wife posing naked for
Arshile Gorky. The Armenian Relief Fund was the initial cover for the World Wildlife Federation. The first carmaker was a fellow named
Entree Shiu. He invented the first 'you-drive-it' hearse.
The idea went nowhere.I'm a little tired of people misunderstanding where I'm at. Nobody wants to accept the presence of
Evil, and when I bring it up they all laugh as if I'm interrupting their party. Bastards croak all over the world and no one winces. The idiots are out in streets again - breaking windows and torching cars - and that's covered as 'their' version (seriously) of a foreign policy. The world is fraught with self-destructive tendencies. The only real
matter is anti-matter; and the only reality is that
REALITY doesn't exist. The 91-year old man's fortune-cookie message, I noticed, read 'you're going to die in your automobile at a way-too early age.' He seemed non-plussed and ordered more tea. A man came up to me and asked - "Where are you going? Where have you been?" I pointed, with each arm in a different direction, behind me and in front of me. He smiled, and said - "Be careful of this weather. I heard they're calling for patchy frogs."
If you can't get with this program, with
my opportunities for
your Salvation staring you in the face, then what you should really be doing is wiping your own ass with your own bare hand.
Smell the purloined flowers on the way to Hell. Park the car in a one-way garage, because 'you ain't goin' nowhere'. Tell everyone you know that the post office is reeling from graft and corruption, the walk-in clinic is a bed of thieves, the hospital wherein your mothers and fathers died is really, before all else, an experimental mortuary connected to the center of the Earth, that the brain cancer caused by cell phones was really there before the phone, that your spiritual side is as deliciously feeble as the opacity of your soul - in reverse importance to the order of Angels.
That everything in your hand has all been there before. That the power of natural enemies is their sense of their own
sinecure ('an office or position that brings profit and advantage without involving much work, responsiblity, etc.' Also, a church office that pays a salary without involving cure (care) of souls . From the Latin 'sine' (without) and 'cure' (care).
It's all so perfectly clear and simple to me....